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Belly Rubs?



a sketch I made long time ago and always wanted to finish, my small group of patreons see this sketch long time ago to ^^u also talking to that, I will make my patreon active again and the budget to see the sketchs will be just 1 dolar so things are more easy to me and my patreons :D

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2550x2850px 9.51 MB
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There‘s seriously more than that! Because of the cuteness, here’s a list of things I can play with Fluttershy and other ponies.

Pet their manes

Squish and rub their cheeks

Boop their noses

Scratch their ears

Play with their chest fluffs

Rub their front and back legs

Rub and tickle their bellies

Pet their backs

Tickle and rub their hooves

Play with their tails

Thats a long list. Takes about 20-30 minutes to play with ponies like this. I swear to god, this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.